Terms and Conditions

Event Terms and Conditions

Whangārei Fringe Festival Terms & Conditions 2024

As a participant in the Whangārei Fringe Festival 2024 (the ‘Festival’) I understand and agree:

  1. That it is my responsibility to produce the event I have registered and that:
    • For my registration to be accepted I must have completed the online registration process and pay the appropriate registration fee before Friday 2nd August 2024.
    • The Festival reserves the right to reject late or incomplete artist registrations.
    • Registration fees are non refundable after the 12th of August 2024.
    • I am responsible for securing all necessary rights or permissions in order to perform at the Festival.
    • I am entitled to be considered for a Fringe Award.
    • My event must comply with New Zealand laws and any applicable local council regulations, including regulations surrounding Covid19 Government Guidelines.
    • The Festival may at its discretion elect to cancel my registration, or the registration of any other participant, at any time at its discretion and in such event the Festival shall not be liable to me for any loss suffered by such cancellation.
    • I will provide the Festival with the relevant health and safety documents
  2. That once I submit my event description and photo:
    • The Festival reserves the right to crop, reject or edit programme images if deemed inappropriate/unsuitable.
    • The Festival reserves the right to edit event descriptions if needed for length and clarity. If significant changes are required, the Festival will endeavour to contact me for clarification.
    • My event description, image and publicity material may be used by the Festival to promote the Festival, including passing copies of this material to media outlets.
    • Images of my event will be kept by the Festival and may be used to promote future Festivals.
    • I will not promote details of my event prior to the official Festival programme launch (generally 4-5 weeks prior to the Festival start date) without the written permission of the Festival Producer.
  3. That if I am NOT in an official Festival-run venue I am:
    • Responsible for organising my own float.
    • Responsible for ensuring the Health and Safety of audience members during my Fringe event.
    • Responsible for having the appropriate insurance in place for my event.
    • Responsible for having filled out all necessary Health and Safety forms required to participate in the Festival.
  4. That I will display the official and correct Whangārei Fringe Festival 2024 logo on all publicity material promoting my event (including posters, catalogues, fliers and advertising) and that:
    • It is my responsibility to promote my event alongside the Festival including the distribution of posters and fliers.
    • I will provide the Festival with 4 copies of my event poster.
    • Unless my permission is expressly withheld, the Festival may document my event via film or photography and use this material to promote the Festival. My event will be credited in any future use.
  5. That I will keep Festival staff informed of my current contact details and that:
    • I will allow my contact details to be used to subscribe to the Festival newsletter so I can remain informed about changes to the current and future Festival programmes and events.
    • While the Festival will promote and support my event it is not responsible for my event or liable for any debts, losses or damages incurred by myself or other participants in my event.
    • I do not represent the Whangārei Fringe Festival and will not enter into any contract with a third party on behalf of the Whangārei Fringe Festival.
    • That I will complete the online feedback form at the Festival’s end.
  6. That I understand the following marketing and social media conditions:
    • My Event will be marketed across Facebook and Instagram.
    • That the Festival monitors ticket sales, and may, when necessary, add additional social media posts to boost seat sales.
    • I give the Festival all rights and permission to use the copy I have provided for my event in promotional materials and across social media platforms.
    • I understand the Festival has the right to edit my event copy and images if required for social media.
  7. That I accept the following information regarding event ticketing and sales:
    • Artist payout from Eventfinda, electronic and cash door sales will be made during the last week of October 2024 to the bank account provided at registration.
    • A ticket fee of $1.63 per ticket sale applies. This will be divided up to both the customer and artist. The customer will incur a booking fee of $1.10 and the artist a $0.53 ticket sale fee.
    • For artist issued comp tickets, a $0.50 artist fee applies.
    • I understand that every registered event must set aside complimentary tickets to the Festival office up to the amount of 10% of each of their first two shows and four tickets to every show thereafter (exceptions will be made for venues with extremely small capacities). These tickets are specifically for Festival sponsors, volunteers, judges and staff to see your event. Complimentary tickets issued by the Festival will NOT incur any fee for the artist.
    • Online tickets will go off sale at 3pm on the day of the performance or at least two hours prior to matinee shows.

This agreement is binding on managers, production and marketing staff, and all participants in my event.